The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
Year :2019, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages: 806-814
Veri Madenciliği Algoritmaları Kullanarak Türkiye’deki Elektrik Tüketicileri İçin En Uygun Tarife Seçim Önerisi
With the development of technology, dependence on electricity is increasing day by day. Cost increases as electricity consumption increases. For this reason, individuals aim to save by searching for the optimum benefit-cost relationship. In this study, firstly 1500 rows of data created with day, peak, night values and Roc analysis was used to select the most appropriate algorithm for the data set.Later total electricity consumption in households was analyzed by selecting logistic regression which is data mining algorithm in RapidMiner. The most appropriate tariff selection was provided to the subscribers. As a result, 100% accurate estimation was obtained.
Electric consumption, data mining, logistic regression, rapidMiner, classification algorithms
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Balta, S. , Bayilmis, C.. (2019). Veri Madenciliği Algoritmaları Kullanarak Türkiye’deki Elektrik Tüketicileri İçin En Uygun Tarife Seçim Önerisi. Academic Perspective Procedia, 2 (3), 806-814. DOI: 10.33793/acperpro.02.03.89
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